Hiring with diversity in mind.

When former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores launched a racial discrimination lawsuit against the NFL, it once again brought football’s diversity in coaching problem to center stage. And while I do not own an NFL team, many of the same debated principles can be applied to my process in hiring new candidates.

There is no question that a more diverse workforce increases better overall output. A blend of unique perspectives and experiences is the most efficient way to problem solve and set trends. That kind of cross-pollination utilizes differences and weaponizes them in the fight against stagnation. Diversity can be the catalyst to changing the entire trajectory of a company simply by allowing variety of thought.

But I do not believe in a quota system.

I don’t believe in changing the requirements or characteristics for a job opening to appease a pre-ordained number of diverse candidates. Instead, I proactively search for job candidates in diverse areas. I reach out to different pools of candidates. Instead of just changing the bait or the fly, I will take my rod down to a different area of the river to fish. In areas unbeknownst to traditional fishers.

I utilize my recruitment team to reach out to different universities and colleges, as their alumni network and job placement programs are more likely to yield a diverse slate of candidates. There are organizations that specialize in bridging the gap between underserved communities and higher end jobs. Traditionally, job placement companies in those communities have funneled applicants into retail and stagnant entry-level positions.

Partnering with organizations like COOP Careers can be beneficial. They help a slew of diverse job seekers obtain jobs in digital marketing. They help candidates achieve certifications and refine skills with over 200 hours of focus in digital skills. In many cases organizations miss out on skillful, ready to employ candidates by managing recruitment as they always have. Diversity must be deliberate it relies on me to be proactive and seek out these programs.

By increasing the funnel of applicants, I have increased our diversity beyond 30% in a single calendar year. Quota systems aren’t the answer, but instead a motivated HR team willing to expand the pools of candidates and search in some less than well-trodden areas. You will reap the rewards from walking upstream.

#diversitymatters #diversity #hiring #hr #digitalmarketing


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