An AI sourcing tool that’s not another ship in the night?
Most AI sourcing tools are white noise. I should know—I’ve tried several.
One that’s actually worth rolling the dice on? Rolebot.
If you want to shake up your hiring process with an emphasis on passive talent, I can’t think of a single reason you shouldn’t add this tool to your recruitment tech stack. Using Rolebot is like hiring another recruiter on your team. Rather than burning out recruiters with the roles you’re constantly hiring for or the jobs with very specialized skills, it lets AI deliver that talent directly to you.
How much do I believe in this job board in reverse? AudienceX is the fourth organization where I’ve deployed the tool, and the results have increased diversity, expedited time-to-hire and created a culture of more vested hiring managers.
Sourcing is the most time-consuming aspect of the recruitment process. Let’s say your recruiters spend two hours per day sourcing candidates, four hours per day on calls and two hours per day on administrative tasks such as following up and scheduling. Rolebot hands back two of those sourcing hours daily for your team to focus on improving the candidate experience or on additional sourcing. It’s like attaching a supplemental arm to your process.
Is DEI one of your recruitment goals? While working at MuteSix, a dentsu international company, Rolebot increased our candidate diversity from 18 to 44 percent during a year-long hiring surge. I don’t believe in diversity quotas; the best approach is to increase the funnel of opportunities, as a broader range of people can only improve the quality of candidates in the mix. The tool guarantees that ⅓ of the talent surfaced is diverse.
At AudienceX, 40 percent of our hires are sourced from Rolebot. We’ve evolved from a 2-3 month hiring cycle to a three-to-four-week hiring process. This is a testament to a great recruitment workflow, sharp recruiters and a tech tool that improves our outcomes.
Don’t underestimate the importance of going after passive talent, either. Engaging passive candidates is much more complex than active candidates as it requires different techniques and some persuasion and flattery, but if you target passive candidates, you hire long-term, quality candidates. There is probably a very good reason organizations are hanging onto these employees. Sourcing passive talent is typically a struggle, and Rolebot removes the pain from the hunt.
There is something to be said about the usefulness of the follow-up after the initial contact has been attempted, too. People like the idea that an algorithm found them, and their name popped up independently of any bias. When a leader reaches out, it affirms the message sent out by the machine. You’re getting constant recognition with AI and people, so talent feels coveted.
Role descriptions and requirements frequently change if your organization is like most, making it difficult for recruiters to keep up. Rolebot recalibrates based on the changes and promptly fills the open positions. If the selection process changes along the way, there’s no need to remove the role and start over.
When it comes to a well-tuned recruitment process, every piece must function properly and deliver efficiently. Sourcing is one of the most cumbersome and exhausting parts to get right. If you could get your preemptive hiring operational while also diving into the untapped passive talent pool, why wouldn’t you?
*Not promoting this at all, if you have specific questions go to their site: I would be happy to engage with anyone to share my experience here.